Chapter 4 IPM Implementation

4.1 Efficient implementation using NIMBLE

SPI-IPM is implemented in a Bayesian framework and, more specifically, it is fit using NIMBLE (de Valpine et al. 2017). In many ways, NIMBLE is the successor to BUGS and JAGS, using very similar syntax but offering higher efficiency, much more flexibility, and a range of smaller “quality-of-life improvements”. Unlike its predecessors, NIMBLE is not a software on its own and is installed via the R-package nimble (de Valpine et al. 2021). A lot of resources on setting up and working with NIMBLE are available on the NIMBLE website and this manual will not give a comprehensive overview of NIMBLE or the nimble R package. In the following, I will instead briefly outline some of NIMBLE’s features that SPI-IPM makes use of, and that may be good to be aware of particularly for people switching over from BUGS/JAGS. I will also briefly outline the structure for the basic call to NIMBLE to run a model.

4.1.1 Alternative specification of distributions

First, NIMBLE allows alternative specifications for statistical distributions (see the NIMBLE manual for an overview). This is particularly convenient for some commonly used distributions such as the normal distribution, which had to be specified via a mean and a precision (\(\tau\)) in BUGS/JAGS. The latter was then often related to the (some might say) more useful standard deviation (\(\sigma\)):

for(t in 1:Tmax){
  epsilon[t] ~ dnorm(0, tau)
tau <- pow(sigma, -2)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 5)

Looks familiar?
NIMBLE allows to specify the distribution parameters exactly as above, but also offers alternatives such as parameterisation by mean and standard deviation directly, e.g.:

for(t in 1:Tmax){
  epsilon[t] ~ dnorm(0, sd = sigma)
sigma ~ dunif(0, 5)

4.1.2 Vectorized calculations

A second useful feature is vectorized calculation of deterministic nodes. At some point, everyone has heard that when programming in R, vectorization outperforms for-loops when it comes to efficiency and speed. In many cases, this is also true for MCMC, and NIMBLE therefore supports vectorization of calculations for deterministic nodes (i.e. nodes assigned via <- in the code). SPI-IPM uses vectorized calculations instead of for-loops in a variety of cases, for example for defining the models underlying temporal variation in vital rates:

logit(pNS[1:Tmax]) <- logit(Mu.pNS) + beta1.pNS*cov1[1:Tmax] + beta2.pNS*cov2[1:Tmax] + epsilon.pNS[1:Tmax]

instead of

for(t in 1:Tmax){
  logit(pNS[t]) <- logit(Mu.pNS) + beta1.pNS*cov1[t] + beta2.pNS*cov2[t] + epsilon.pNS[t]

It is important to note that vectorization works for deterministic nodes, but – per today – not for stochastic nodes (i.e. nodes assigned via ~).

4.1.3 Custom distributions

The third class of NIMBLE features that SPI-IPM capitalizes on is the ability to define custom distributions. Specifically, SPI-IPM uses a custom distribution in the likelihood for the mark-recapture data.
In most IPMs, the analysis of mark-recapture data to estimate survival represents the bottleneck for MCMC efficiency: sampling hundreds – if not thousands – of latent alive or dead states is computationally expensive and results in long MCMC runtimes (Gimenez et al. 2007). Summarising individual capture histories into “m-arrays” has long been the only way to reduce runtimes of Bayesian mark-recapture models (Kéry and Schaub 2011), but many find this format less intuitive and it quickly becomes convoluted and impractical when working with predictors/groups other than age class. With the rise of NIMBLE, Turek, de Valpine, and Paciorek (2016) developed an approach to defining marginalized likelihoods that integrate over latent states and lead to tremendous increases in MCMC efficiency. Basic implementations of the marginalized likelihood for mark-recapture models were included in the nimbleEcology R package (Goldstein et al. 2021).
SPI-IPM uses an extended version of the dCJS_vv distribution contained in nimbleEcology which not only integrates over latent states, but also runs on only unique – instead of all – capture histories (analogous to the goose example in Turek, de Valpine, and Paciorek 2016). Preliminary tests have shown that mark-recapture models with a likelihood specified using this distribution (dCJS_vv_sum) have very similar runtimes as implementations using m-arrays for small to medium-sized datasets, and outspeed m-array formulations in for larger datasets.
The specification of the custom distribution is contained in dCJS_CustomDist.R and its implementation within the model code looks quite minimalistic:

## Likelihood with custom distribution
for (i in 1:n.CH){
  y.sum[i, first.sum[i]:last.sum[i]] ~ dCJS_vv_sum(
       probSurvive = phi.CH[i, first.sum[i]:last.sum[i]],
       probCapture = p.CH[i, first.sum[i]:last.sum[i]],
       len = last.sum[i]-first.sum[i]+1,
       mult = CHs.count[i])

y.sum is a matrix containing all n.CH unique capture histories and the likelihood is fit for the range of observations between the first capture of an individual (first.sum) and the last possible time this individual could still have been alive5(last.sum). probSurvive and probCapture are vectors containing the survival and recapture probabilities relevant for the capture history (see IPMSetup.R and Chapter 2.2.4 for details). The argument len quantifies the length of y.sum and is required for successful compilation of the custom function. Finally, mult is an integer number specifying how many individual birds shared capture history i.

4.1.4 Calling NIMBLE from R

The simplest way to implement and run a Bayesian model in NIMBLE is via the wrapper-function nimbleMCMC. The structure of the nimbleMCMC call is very similar to the functions provided with the different R-packages for running BUGS/JAGS and – for SPI-IPM – looks like this (code line 49 in IPMRun_PopID.R):

SPI.IPM <- nimbleMCMC(code = SPI.IPMcode, constants = SPI.IPMconstants, data = SPI.IPMdata, inits = Inits, monitors = parameters, niter = ni, nburnin = nb, nchains = nc, thin = nt, setSeed = mySeed, samplesAsCodaMCMC = TRUE)

code is the model code, formatted as nimbleCode. constants and data contain all information relevant for parameterising the model, as well as all the observational data (see Chapter 1.4). inits is a list of initial values that is described further below, and monitors is a character vector containing the names of all paramters that should be monitored. niter, nburnin, nchains, and thin are the numbers of iterations, samples to discard as burn-in, number of chains, and thinning interval for the MCMC. setSeed is absolutely crucial! By setting the seed within the call to NIMBLE, your entire MCMC becomes reproducible which is invaluable also for trouble-shooting. The final argument, samplesAsCodaMCMC, is for people like me who like to get back raw samples and make their own summaries instead of having the function return larger objects containing the samples along with a variety of summaries and other stats.

4.2 Simulation of initial values

As a general rule, all parameters that have priors provided for them within Bayesian models also require initial values. For SPI-IPM, this applies to:

  • Vital rate averages (\(\mu\) /Mu)
  • Environmental effects on vital rates (\(\beta\) /beta)
  • Standard deviation for year random effects on vital rates (\(\sigma\) /sigma)
  • Initial population sizes (localN[,1])
  • Average and standard deviation of immigrant numbers (AvgImm, sigma.Imm)
  • Missing covariate values (subset of cov1, cov2, cov3)
  • Missing observation probabilities (subset of PropImmDetect)

Provided that initial values for all of these parameters have been provided, NIMBLE is able to calculate initial values for all of the remaining downstream nodes using the realtionships specified in the model code. In practice, however, the more different data sources and sub-models are included in an integrated model, the more likely it is that this “automatic” initialization of nodes will result in conflicts, i.e. initial values that are not compatible with each other.

While it may work for a single IPM to re-sample initial values repeatedly until a set without conflicts has been found by chance, this is vastly impractical for a framework like SPI-IPM which is designed to also work well for comparative analyses, i.e. may be run on several datasets/populations at a time.
For that reason, manual initialization of all nodes makes sense for SPI-IPM and is implemented in the function SPI_IPM.inits (in file InitSim.R).

The function runs a simulation of the entire population model, including the reconstruction of missing covariate and detection parameter values in four steps:

  1. Simulation of missing covariate values
  2. Simulation of age- and time-specific vital rates
  3. Simulation of initial population size and population trajectory over the study period, incl. immigration
  4. Simulation of missing detection parameters

The elements passed to the function are the collated data and constants ( and IPM.constants, see Chapter 1.4), as well as a logical argument determining whether initial values for year random effects should be sampled from their simulated distribution or set to 0 (sampleRE).

To sample initial values for several chains, the function is called multiple times within a list.

Inits <- list(
  SPI_IPM.inits( = SPI.IPMdata, IPM.constants = SPI.IPMconstants, sampleRE = FALSE),
  SPI_IPM.inits( = SPI.IPMdata, IPM.constants = SPI.IPMconstants, sampleRE = FALSE))

is an example for initializing two chains.

Note that I am sampling the initial values and storing them in an object called Inits in the example, which I then pass to nimbleMCMC afterwards, instead of calling the SPI_IPM.inits directly within the call to nimbleMCMC. The reason for “pre-sampling” initial values in this way is that it makes trouble-shooting much easier: if initialization problems occur at specific nodes, I can investigate both the associated data AND pre-sampled initial values to work out the cause of the discrepancy.
For the purpose of facilitating trouble-shooting, but also to promote reproducibility, it is also good practice to set a seed prior to pre-sampling initial values (in IPMRun_PopID.R, for example, the seed is set right at the start of the script).

4.3 Test runs and full runs: chains, iterations, burn-in, and thinning

If you have ample experience working with Bayesian models and MCMC, you can jump over this section.

The following is a (perhaps obvious) practical tip for users that are newer to Bayesian modelling and/or IPMs: always do a test-run of your implementation to make sure it works before running a long MCMC!

In the original code, SPI-IPM is set up for a full run of 4 chains with 200 000 iterations each (see code lines 26-29 in IPMRun_PopID.R). The first 50 000 iterations of each chain are discarded as burn-in and the remainder thinned by 30, resulting in a combined posterior consisting of 4\(\times\) 5000 = 20 000 samples. This is rather generous, and it is not unlikely that your analysis will require substantially less iterations to reach convergence (see Chapter 5.1 for how to assess convergence). Nonetheless, running the full MCMC can easily take several hours and ideally, you would discover issues such as bad initialization or mistakes made during code adjustments before having to wait that long.
That’s where short test runs become useful. The shortest MCMC you can run is two iterations long, no burn-in, and with thinning interval 1 (= no thinning). By running that first, you can check that your model builds smoothly and contains no unwanted NAs, and that initialization works as it should creates no conflicts. With slightly more iterations in a test chain, you can also make sure that all nodes that should be updating are in fact updating. Most importantly, this will allow you to test your model’s setup and trouble-shoot some basic implementation issues without having to wait for hours.

4.4 Trouble-shooting implementation issues

Specific content will be added later. In the meantime, a lot of helpful information can be found in the materials on the NIMBLE website and via the Google group “nimble-users”.

For issues that are related specifically to SPI-IPM, you can also get in touch via email.


de Valpine, Perry, Christopher Paciorek, Daniel Turek, Nick Michaud, Cliff Anderson-Bergman, Fritz Obermeyer, Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes, Abel Rodrìguez, Duncan Temple Lang, and Sally Paganin. 2021. NIMBLE: MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling (version 0.12.1).

de Valpine, Perry, Daniel Turek, Christopher J Paciorek, Clifford Anderson-Bergman, Duncan Temple Lang, and Rastislav Bodik. 2017. “Programming with Models: Writing Statistical Algorithms for General Model Structures with Nimble.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 26 (2): 403–13.

Gimenez, Olivier, Vivien Rossi, Rémi Choquet, Camille Dehais, Blaise Doris, Hubert Varella, Jean-Pierre Vila, and Roger Pradel. 2007. “State-Space Modelling of Data on Marked Individuals.” Ecological Modelling 206 (3-4): 431–38.

Goldstein, Benjamin R., Daniel Turek, Lauren Ponisio, and Perry de Valpine. 2021. “nimbleEcology: Distributions for Ecological Models in nimble.”

Kéry, Marc, and Michael Schaub. 2011. Bayesian Population Analysis Using Winbugs: A Hierarchical Perspective. Academic Press.

Turek, Daniel, Perry de Valpine, and Christopher J Paciorek. 2016. “Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling for Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models.” Environmental and Ecological Statistics 23 (4): 549–64.

  1. in practice this can be set to e.g. year of the last recorded observation of the individual plus maximum lifesspan, plus some. In my analysis of UK-breeding pied flycatchers, for example, I have set it – generously – to 20 years after the last recorded capture.↩︎